Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

Call to Conference

I am very excited. Founder Region has awarded one hundred twenty three (123) Live Your Dream Awards for 2024-2025.  Region Chair Maida and her team are fantastic and so are all of your clubs.  Every one of our clubs gave at least one Live Your Dream Award.  I can’t wait to meet the district recipients at our Region Conference. Sunday morning, May 4 will again show us a great “why” be a Soroptimist.

Speaking of Region Conference-did you know that our Legislative Advocacy Committee is pulling together a not-to-be-missed day of presentations on Friday, May 2. The Fellowship Board is completing interviews of their candidates, and I know we will have much to be proud of on the night of Friday, May 2. The Call to Conference may make it to you before this blog. Make plans now to be with us in Concord May 2 through 4.

We continue to see good membership growth. I would love to hear what the clubs that are bringing in new members are doing to be successful at that most important task.  For all our clubs and members, every effort you make to bring in a new member makes it more possible for some woman or girl to achieve her dreams.

I am seeing lots of optimism and excitement about Soroptimist throughout our region.  Let’s keep it going.  If there is any way I can help you do that, I am only an email or phone call away.
See you soon.
Governor Elise

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