Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

9/23/2019 - Upcoming District Meetings

Has your club registered to attend your District Meeting?  Deadlines are fast approaching. 
  • Districts I, II, III Meeting is October 12, at the Crow Canyon Country Club, and the registration deadline is October 2.  
  • Districts IV & V Meeting is October 19, at the Cloverdale Citrus Fair, and the registration deadline is October 9.
  • District VI Meeting is October 26, at the Heritage Hall on Maui, and the registration deadline is October 16.

You can find the Call to District Meetings for each District on the Meetings/Conferences tab on the Founder Region website.  Here is the link:
The District Directors have been working hard to make this an informative, inspiring, and fun meeting.  Sell your tickets and bring your club’s basket with a theme “Empowering Global Connections” for the Fellowship fundraiser.  If you have any upcoming fundraisers, you are welcome to bring flyers to share with other clubs, just coordinate with your District Director.  Districts IV, V, and VI have social events planned, as well.  And District VI Leadership Training will be on October 27 at the J Walter Cameron Center on Maui.

We’re looking forward to seeing you at your District Meeting!

Governor Sylvia
“Empowering Change” 

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