Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

11/5/2018 - Great District Meetings!

Great District Meetings!
 Thank you to all who participated in our District Meetings!  Thank you to our host clubs that pulled everything together, and thank you to our Region and Fellowship Boards for providing lots of valuable information to our members.  There is a link to the survey on the Meetings/Conferences tab of this website.  We appreciate your time in providing feedback, so we can continuously improve.  For some seasoned members, it sometimes seems like "nothing new", but please be understanding that for our newer members, learning the basics is what helps them to learn and be able to see the bigger picture.  And, speaking of pictures, check out the slide show on the Meeting/Conferences tab to see many smiling faces at our District Meetings.

Our November Mailing and November newsletter are one in the same document.  There is lots of information included there.  Check it out on the November Mailing tab.
At this time of year, we reflect on our blessings.  May each of us continue to be a blessing to others, as we reflect on how richly we are blessed.  I am thankful for all of you!

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