Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

Call to District Meetings

Since we last “spoke” in this blog, your 2024-2026 Founder Region Board had our first official Board meeting. We accomplished many things and had some fun as well.

One of our main tasks at the meeting was planning the upcoming District meetings.  The District Directors have created a great program to present, and we discussed the many details that go into planning a good District meeting.  You don’t want to miss attending at least one District meeting this year. We have lots of information for you and this is your opportunity to share with each other. I look forward to seeing each of you.

We are also now two weeks past from the opening of the Live Your Dream portal. Remember to keep talking about this program and publicizing it however you can. These awards make a huge difference in women’s lives. Can your club give one more Live Your Dream award than it did last club year? That would be amazing.

It’s also not too early to start planning for Founder Region Conference. You will want to be at the Concord Hilton from May 2 to 4, 2025. As always, there will be much to learn and much to share with each other. It won’t be the same without you.

One thing we will doing at Conference is electing the 2025-2027 Nominating Committee.  Very soon your club will be receiving the nomination forms for those positions. Who do you know who is a bright, energetic, and organized person who would be willing to help as part of the Nominating Committee to select the next Founder Region Board?

That’s the puzzle for this month. I will see you soon.
Governor Elise

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