Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

It's Conference Time!

Conference is just a few days away and I am getting so excited! Our host clubs (SI/The East Bay, SI/El Cerrito, SI/Oakland-the Founder Club and SI/The Tri-Valley) have really been working hard to ensure members have a great time next weekend. When you see those members, be sure to tell them “Thank you” for all  they have done! So much goes on “behind the scenes” ahead of time and they have put forth the extra effort for all of you.
A few things to remember:
  • Don’t forget your Dream Programs raffle basket to be delivered to the Grand Ballroom Sunday morning
  • Dress in 1920’s or any “decades through the ages” outfit for Saturday night
  • Come with enthusiasm, a desire to be with other Soroptimists, and a smile on your face – we will have valuable information, inspiration, education, empowerment, fellowship, and most of all FUN.

See you next weekend in Oakland!
Governor Vicki
Governor Vicki and  President Kris look forward to seeing everyone this week at conferene!

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