Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

4/27/20 Introducing the Founder Region Virtual Conference!

The 44th Annual Founder Region Conference, like a caterpillar, is undergoing a metamorphosis and will soon emerge as a beautiful butterfly called the Founder Region Virtual Conference!  The Founder Region and Fellowship boards are “Empowering Change” to bring our typical conference content to you online in light of the “stay-in-place” restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic.  We sincerely hope you and your family are staying well, staying safe and staying active!
When we determined that we had to cancel our in-person conference, it became immediately evident that we still have to be able to conduct our Founder Region business, and we started with the elections and Bylaws voting process. We had a lot of preliminary work already underway and started looking at how we could present the major parts of our conference content to our members online.  Thus, was born the concept of our Virtual Conference.  We will soon have the Program Booklet accessible online which provides a guide to all of the content with links to keep up with all of the conference events.  We already have a fresh Virtual Conference page on our website: www.si-founderregion.org/2020-virtual-conference.html; we have narrated presentations and YouTube videos that you can view “on-demand” - meaning you can access them at any time; and, we have 3 “Live” Zoom  presentations planned for the highlights of our conference.  The links to the Zoom events are already accessible on the Founder Region Facebook page, they were included in the timeline in the April Newsletter, and we are including them here so you can plan to join in this week.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US)
Live Zoom Presentation
Founder Region Legislative Advocacy Presentation
“Empowering Change to Eliminate Violence, Neglect, and Abuse Against Girls—Perspective on Effects of Violence and Trauma”
Join our 90-minute live Zoom Presentation plus 30-minute Q & A with Licensed Family & Marriage Therapist Deb Gee.
(Recording link will also be posted for later viewing)
Friday, May 1, 2020 - 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US)
Live Zoom Presentation

Founder Region Fellowship live Zoom Presentation
Recording link to be posted for later viewing.
Saturday, May 2, 2020 - 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US)
Live Zoom Presentation

Founder Region Election & Ballot Results & Incoming/Outgoing Governor Speeches
We hope you enjoy our Virtual Conference and encourage your club members who may not normally be able to attend conference to check it out!

Governor Sylvia
“Empowering Change”

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