Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

2023 Call to Conference

The 47th Annual Founder Region Conference is just around the corner and I invite you to attend at the beautiful Oakland Marriott City Center. Mark your calendars for May 5th through 7th as we gather for fun, fellowship and some region business during this exciting weekend.

Our Legislative Advocacy Committee will explore how many of us find ourselves within the Sandwich Generation and how to cope with the many challenges involved in caring for our elderly parents and relatives along with caring for our children and grandchildren. There is so much information available for this generation and the committee will guide us through many solutions.

We will be electing our 2023-2025 Nominating Committee at our Saturday business meeting. Be sure to download the candidate resumes and share with your club and be prepared to vote for your district representative.

And we will have some fun socializing each evening during the weekend. Friday night will be Founder Region Fellowship’s 75th Anniversary Gala and awards presentations. Saturday night we will highlight our clubs with music and variety as we present Founder Region’s Got Talent! Costume up and put on your dancing shoes as we enjoy hidden talent within our region. Be sure to sign up for your act early as we only have a few slots available for presenters.

There is so much more and you won’t want to miss anything happening during our conference weekend. Be sure to download the Call to Conference to find information on the activities.

See you there!
Governor Vicki

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