Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

District Meetings are coming

The BUZZ  is all about the 2023 District Meetings happening in October. By now you should have received the Call to District Meeting via email. There are links to the information and registration. Be sure to send in one registration as a club; the more in your hive attending, the livelier we will bee!

We are excited to be in Ukiah, Richmond and Guam this year. Region leadership will present updates on International, Federation and Region business. We also have planned a Friday evening Meet & Greet for the District III/IV Meeting and District V Meeting,  so come by the locations listed in the Call to meet the Region and Fellowship Boards.
The Fellowship Board has distributed number logs to each club and this is your opportunity to win one of the club baskets or perhaps become a fellow. Don’t forget to assemble your club’s basket with at least a $75 value and bring it to your District Meeting. “What’s Your Dream?” is their theme so Bee creative in selecting items for your baskets.

As you gear up to begin meeting again in this new club year, remember to continue to follow the mission and help women and girls achieve their dreams and goals. And we can all continue to “Bee the Dream!”.

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