Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."
Call to District Meetings
by Founder Region on September 2nd, 2024
Since we last “spoke” in this blog, your 2024-2026 Founder Region Board had our first official Board meeting. We accomplished many things and had some fun as well.One of our main tasks at the meeting was planning the upcoming District meetings.  The District Directors have created a great program to present, and we discussed the many details that go into planning a good District meeting.  You don’...  Read More
SIA Convention Recap
by Founder Region on July 31st, 2024
I have just returned from the Soroptimist International of the Americas 48th Biennial Convention in Bellevue, Washington. I was impressed by so many things and learned so much. It would take many pages to tell you everything. So, I will try to hit some highlights.It began when I arrived at the Bellevue Hyatt. My first task was to find my room. The people at the front desk pointed me to a ramp and ...  Read More
2024-2026 Biennium
by Founder Region on July 1st, 2024
Wow, I have to say I am a bit in awe to be writing the Governor’s Blog.  But it’s time to PUT THE PUZZLE TOGETHER and we are going to have a wonderful successful biennium.Several people have asked me “what does your theme mean?”  Here is the idea. First, every one of us is an important and critical part of Soroptimist.  We each are a part of the puzzle.Each club contributes its own unique characte...  Read More
Bee the Dream
by Founder Region on May 31st, 2024
It has been such an honor and a privilege to be Founder Region Governor these past two years. Together we all helped to “Bee the Dream!” for ourselves and the women and girls we have supported this biennium.When I began my biennium two years ago, a past governor told me to enjoy every minute of it because it will go by so quickly. I HAVE really enjoyed it and the past two years have flown by faste...  Read More
It's Conference Time
by Founder Region on April 29th, 2024
Conference is just a few days away and I am getting so excited! Our host clubs (SI/Novato, SI/Oakmont Wine Country, and SI/Santa Rosa) have really been working hard to ensure members have a great time this weekend. When you see those members, be sure to tell them “Thank you” for all they have done! So much goes on “behind the scenes” ahead of time and they have put forth the extra effort for all o...  Read More
Conference Reminders
by Founder Region on April 1st, 2024
Conference is only a month away and we are getting excited! Here are a few reminders about important deadlines:Dream Programs Fundraiser: Sell or purchase drawing tickets and submit with club check to your District Representative by APRIL 10. Remember to provide a basket valued at $150 on Sunday morning at conference.Registration and Meal Form: Complete the forms ASAP and send to Cara Begley, Conf...  Read More




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