Live Your Dream:
Education & Training Awards
for Women
Every year, Soroptimist distributes more than $2 million in education grants to about 1,500 women all over the world. Over half of our Live Your Dream Awards recipients are survivors of domestic violence, trafficking or sexual assault. Nearly all of the women and families we serve have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, teen pregnancy, and drug or alcohol addiction. Live Your Dream Awards recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, childcare, tuition and transportation.
The Live Your Dream Award program changes the lives of women throughout Founder Region - women who need and deserve our support for themselves and their families.

One Live Your Dream winner says:
"It's been a long road and it feels like every step of
the way was worth it to get here - with a job,
a home, and healthy children"
The Live Your Dream Awards offers three levels of cash awards. Eligible applicants can submit their application between August 15 - November 15. Ultimately, a Live Your Dream Awards finalist has the potential receive up to $16,000 to help offset tuition costs, purchase books, get transportation, or find reliable childcare so she can worry less about how to pay her bills and focus on reaching her dreams.
Application period open from August 15 - November 15
through the LYD online portal.
Impact of the Live Your Dream Awards

How to Videos
For Clubs
Founder Region has continuous 100% participation in the Live Your Dream: Training and Education Award for Women program!!
Clubs: Please also consider giving "Beyond a Cash Award" and supporting more than a cash award for your recipient or more than one applicant.
Give your time, your talents, your gifts - as well as additional cash awards to applicants.
Example: Give a small denomination gift card to all of your applicants when you send out your letter letting them know they didn't receive the award. Every applicant took her time, has the need and needs the support to know she is appreciated for what she has done; a small token of appreciation will be greatly received.
All women in the US & Canada applying for an award should now apply through the online Application Portal, where they’ll complete the same application as year’s past, but completely online! The portal opens July 1 and eligible applicants can submit their application between July 1 to November 15. Clubs download their applications from the portal, arrange their judging session and submit their recipient to the district level by February 1. The program continues through April with clubs giving awards to women in their local communities. In May, district and region winners are honored at region conference, and the program concludes for the year with the announcement of the Federation winner in July. Applications are due to clubs by November 15 of each year. Club applications are due to their respective district representatives by February 1 of each year.
For additional information about this award contact the district committee representative or chair or click here to go to the Soroptimist International of the Americas website. Please make sure to include the Media Consent Form with your club application to the district committee representative.
Seek out the women in your community who need and deserve your support. Founder Region will continue to support the Live Your Dream: Training and Education Award for Women program with 100% participation.
Contact Live Your Dream Chair Maida Herbst at if you have any questions.