So why does Soroptimist focus on Women and Girls?
Throughout history women and girls face additional obstacles and discrimination solely because of their gender. As an organization of business and professional women we feel uniquely qualified to help women and girls live their dreams.
Education is the key to gender equality, which has yet to be achieved anywhere in the world.
- When Women Learn, families live healthier lives,
- When Girls Go to School, they are more likely to get paying jobs and their financial contributions to their families—and their nations increase,
- When Girls Have Educated Moms they are more likely to be enrolled in school and to reach higher levels of education.
- When Women are Educated, their countries are more likely to have greater economic growth.
What does it mean to be "empowered"?
Women are economically empowered when they have control over their own finances and well-being, and when they have a voice in the financial decisions to shape their lives and the lives of their families. When women and girls are empowered, they have a personal sense of autonomy, self-confidence, and the power to control their private and public lives. We focus on access to education because we believe it’s the most effective way toward empowerment.