Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

11/17/2019 - Live Your Dream Awards Deadline Extension

Because of the fires, evacuations and power outages, SIA has granted an extension to clubs in Founder Region and other California regions to continue to accept Live Your Dream Award applications through December 15, 2019!  The Live Your Dream online portal is also allowing a grace period until Wednesday, November 20th for applicants to finish applications that were already started in the portal.  Applicants who had not yet started the process in the portal will need to submit a paper application to the club by December 15th.  Please contact your Live Your Dream District Representative if you need any assistance.  Clubs that receive multiple applications are encouraged to communicate with their District representative for the ability to share applications with clubs who have no eligible applicants.  The writeable Live Your Dream Application for the December 15th deadline is available on the Founder Region website.  

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