Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

District Meeting Recap

Thank you to all our members who attended the 2020 Virtual District Meetings.  Members had a great time during the Friday night socials talking about all the new and creative ways they are passing the time during COVID and shared the TV shows they are binge watching.  Members learned Soroptimist trivia during Bingo and winners received hand-made sequin Soroptimist logo masks made by Governor Kris.

The surveys overwhelmingly revealed that presentations on how "Everything we do is tied to the Big Goal", Fellowship and Fundraising were valued topics.  Attendees most enjoyed catching up on past Fellowship winner’s progress in their careers.   The breakout room discussions garnered countless fundraising ideas which have been compiled.  Be sure and visit the “Club Sales” page as well to support our fundraising efforts throughout the region.

Thank you to all our clubs who supported Fellowship by selling their raffle numbers and congratulations to all the raffle winners and new Fellows. Your continued support of Founder Region’s identifying project ensures that women who are achieving advanced degrees are successful and can make a difference in our world.  A special thank you to the District Directors, Fellowship Board, and Pillar Chairs who helped make the meetings informative and enlightening.  

If you were unable attend, you can view the presentations here—Part 1 and   Part 2.  
Fundraising Ideas from District I & II  , District III & IV, District V.

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