Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

Welcome to the 2022-2024 Biennium!

As clubs and the region are getting back to normal, I hope you are all staying safe and well. We begin this biennium with some in-person events, club and region meetings in-person and some events still virtual. However we choose to meet, we must continue our important work in fulfilling the mission of Soroptimist. Our Founder Region and Fellowship boards have already begun planning for the new biennium.

As we begin the 2022-2024 biennium, we are in a mode of Dreams! We are all dreaming of being together again in person; SIA has launched the Dream Big Campaign; and we all participate in the Dream Programs. With that in mind, my theme for the upcoming biennium is Bee the Dream!  and my emblem is the “Bee”.  Bees are a symbol of creativity and industriousness. Bees symbolize community, organization, collaboration, creation, relationships, and the overall sense of harmony in one’s environment. They are governed and operated by female energy, representing intuitive insight, subconscious thought and creativity. Dreams are a series of thoughts, images, or emotions toward a strongly desired goal or purpose, something that fully satisfies a wish. With Dreams, anything is possible.

We can all Bee anything! We can Bee Kind, Bee Helpful, Bee Courageous, you can fill in the blank with just about any positive word. And in the upcoming biennium we can all “Bee the Dream!”.

In Soroptimist Friendship,
Governor Vicki

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