Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

3/30/2019 - Caucus Conference Call & Founder Region Conference

Caucus Conference Call & Founder Region Conference
 It is exciting to know our “award season” is in full swing!  Many clubs are having their awards luncheons, dinners, and banquets throughout the months of March and April, and it is exciting to know that the impact we are making in the lives of these women and girls is Empowering Change for their future.  Each Live Your Dream Award, Violet Richardson Award, Barbara Stevenson “S” Club Award, and Ruby Award contributes to the collective impact we are making within our region.  Congratulations to all of our award recipients!

Speaking of Award Recipients, we are looking forward to meeting our Fellowship Award recipients on Friday, May 3rd, and our District level recipients at our Awards Breakfast on Sunday, May 5 at the San Ramon Marriott.  Our Call to Conference went out February 23, and provides a lot of details about our 43rd annual Founder Region Conference.  I hope you are planning to attend!  Check out the Complete Call to Conference at the link:

Our Caucus Conference Call will be held on April 7, at 7:00 p. m. California time see the Call to Caucus for the dial in phone number, as well as the online meeting link if you prefer to listen in on your computer.    Get all of the details at the link:

All Basket Raffle tickets were distributed, and we encourage clubs to sell all tickets allocated to your club.  We have a great incentive for clubs that sell all basket raffle tickets for Conference - there will be a drawing for $250 toward Club Giving.
As we continue to Empower Change in those women and girls we impact through Soroptimist, may each of us Empower Change in our daily lives which helps make the world a better place for our future.

Governor Sylvia
“Empowering Change”

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