Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

2/15/20 Rejuvination!

February is a busy month for Soroptimist and we are rejuvenating!  This year we were thrilled to charter Soroptimist International of Oakmont Wine Country on 02/02/2020.  This was a wonderful conclusion to our Founder Region Board Meeting weekend where we spent a lot of time planning for our Founder Region Conference and preliminary planning for our June Leadership training.

February is also our Fun For Fellowship month. Be thinking of fun ways your club can raise funds for Fellowship. The Fellowship Board is also busy reading/reviewing and ranking the applications for our Fellowship grants given to women in the final phase of their doctoral program.  As explained at our District Meetings, we will be fiscally responsible and only giving grants from the money raised this year.  Consider naming a member of your club as a Fellow by donating $1000.00 to Fellowship by March 1, and they will receive their pin at the Founder Region Conference.

The 44th Founder Region Conference at the San Ramon Marriott May 1-3, 2020, will be an exciting event, and we hope you are planning to attend.  Legislative Advocacy Chair, Linda Witong, provides an article for our newsletter highlighting our focus on “Empowering Change to Eliminate Violence, Neglect and Abuse Against Girls”.  The full article is available at the link  www.si-founderregion.org/uploads/8/0/6/6/8066933/effects_of_abuse_or_witnessing_abuse_on_a_child_jan_21_2020.docx.  We are inviting you to wear orange on Friday at the Conference to raise awareness of gender-based violence; the color orange is used to symbolize a brighter future without violence.  Another wardrobe consideration to be shopping for is our Saturday Night banquet which will be a 70’s Disco Theme.  I can already hear you  tapping your feet along to Saturday Night Fever's, "You Should Be Dancing!"

We will be conducting business at our conference, and the opportunity to learn more about the Bylaws Amendment proposals for both Founder Region and Founder Region Fellowship is available during our Caucus Conference Call to be held on March 22, at 7 pm Pacific Daylight Time.  See the “Call to Caucus” flyer for details at the link to our website which includes all of the proposed amendments.

The "Call to Conference" will be available soon, and I'm looking forward to seeing you in San Ramon!

Governor Sylvia
“Empowering Change”     rejuvenation.html

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