2021 Conference Page
Kris Chorbi, Governor
It is my honor to invite you to join us for the 45th Annual Founder Region Conference!
We have created several new pages on our website that contain everything you need to know about the 2021 Virtual Conference. On the main 2021 Conference Page, you will find messages from region and federation leadership; a quick reference guide of presentations, conference add-ons and opportunities for engagement. On the Online Conference Program Page, you will find an expanded virtual agenda with speaker bios, awardee information and memorial tribute. Be sure to click on the arrow on each section to see the full online content.
The Conference Service Project Page details our exciting collaboration with the “Dress a Girl Around the World” organization, giving you the opportunity for a hands-on project in the safety of your own home. Sew to your hearts content and let your creativity shine as we engage in “Increased Collective Impact” to help girls feel valued and empowered around the world. Be sure to visit the Voting and Elections Page for details about Caucus, online voting instructions, and the proposed bylaw amendments. Meet the nominees for the 2021-2023 Nominating Committee and read about their qualifications and experience. And finally, don’t forget to visit the Conference Club Sales Page, where you can shop till you drop from our clubs throughout the region. Contact the clubs directly to place your orders and pick up those installation and thank you gifts for your members and officers.
Register for all the exciting events and presentations through Eventbrite. Once registered, you will be able to view the Online Event Page for details about the sessions and access the Zoom links. I look forward to sharing this experience with all our members in Founder Region as we celebrate the past, and Dream BIG for the future!
Governor Kris Chorbi
We have created several new pages on our website that contain everything you need to know about the 2021 Virtual Conference. On the main 2021 Conference Page, you will find messages from region and federation leadership; a quick reference guide of presentations, conference add-ons and opportunities for engagement. On the Online Conference Program Page, you will find an expanded virtual agenda with speaker bios, awardee information and memorial tribute. Be sure to click on the arrow on each section to see the full online content.
The Conference Service Project Page details our exciting collaboration with the “Dress a Girl Around the World” organization, giving you the opportunity for a hands-on project in the safety of your own home. Sew to your hearts content and let your creativity shine as we engage in “Increased Collective Impact” to help girls feel valued and empowered around the world. Be sure to visit the Voting and Elections Page for details about Caucus, online voting instructions, and the proposed bylaw amendments. Meet the nominees for the 2021-2023 Nominating Committee and read about their qualifications and experience. And finally, don’t forget to visit the Conference Club Sales Page, where you can shop till you drop from our clubs throughout the region. Contact the clubs directly to place your orders and pick up those installation and thank you gifts for your members and officers.
Register for all the exciting events and presentations through Eventbrite. Once registered, you will be able to view the Online Event Page for details about the sessions and access the Zoom links. I look forward to sharing this experience with all our members in Founder Region as we celebrate the past, and Dream BIG for the future!
Governor Kris Chorbi

Vicki Ham, Governor-elect
Dear Founder Region Members,
What a year this has been! Who could have ever imagined we would be holding our second virtual conference because of the pandemic. I am so proud of how clubs have come together during these unprecedented times and gathered via Zoom, held fundraisers and continued to give out awards at an amazing rate. Nothing can slow a Soroptimist down!
As we reflect back on this unusual year of school closures, business shutdowns and personal quarantines, let us not forget the women and girls we are here to help. Imagine their lives of economic hardships compounded with having to help their children through virtual Zoom learning while continuing their own studies online. Some may be subjected to increased domestic violence, isolation and low self confidence. Our Live Your Dream awardees are given a boost to aid in overcoming many of these obstacles. Our Violet Richardson Awardees are making a difference in their communities and looking toward the future.
As our lives begin to return to normal, we must ensure that we continue our mission and support the women and girls who needs us most. Although we cannot be together in person, we must work together to change lives and Dream BIG. I look forward to seeing you in-person in the very near future. Stay safe and healthy; we will all pull through as a strong region and members of this wonderful Soroptimist organization.
Governor-elect Vicki Ham
What a year this has been! Who could have ever imagined we would be holding our second virtual conference because of the pandemic. I am so proud of how clubs have come together during these unprecedented times and gathered via Zoom, held fundraisers and continued to give out awards at an amazing rate. Nothing can slow a Soroptimist down!
As we reflect back on this unusual year of school closures, business shutdowns and personal quarantines, let us not forget the women and girls we are here to help. Imagine their lives of economic hardships compounded with having to help their children through virtual Zoom learning while continuing their own studies online. Some may be subjected to increased domestic violence, isolation and low self confidence. Our Live Your Dream awardees are given a boost to aid in overcoming many of these obstacles. Our Violet Richardson Awardees are making a difference in their communities and looking toward the future.
As our lives begin to return to normal, we must ensure that we continue our mission and support the women and girls who needs us most. Although we cannot be together in person, we must work together to change lives and Dream BIG. I look forward to seeing you in-person in the very near future. Stay safe and healthy; we will all pull through as a strong region and members of this wonderful Soroptimist organization.
Governor-elect Vicki Ham

Founder Region Board
Governor - Kris Chorbi
Governor-elect - Vicki Ham
Secretary - Joy Swank
Treasurer - Tess Albin-Smith
District I Director - Lenore Colarusso
District II Director - Jackie Arnold
District III Director - Colleen Ganaye
District IV Director - Vicki Baldwin
District V Director - Kristal Koga

Click the arrow to travel back to the 1920's
with the board members & to view our videos.

Kris Chorbi
Soroptimist International of Eureka
29 Year Member
2021 Conference Invite

Vicki Ham
Soroptimist International of Willits
13 Year Member
Awards Program Invite

Joy Swank
Soroptimist International of Vacaville
10 Year Member
Region Board Meeting Invite

Tess Albin-Smith
Soroptimist International of Noyo Sunrise
30 Year Member
Legislative Advocacy Invite

Lenore Colarusso
District I Director
Soroptimist International of 24-680 (Walnut Creek)
16 Year Member
Keynote Speaker Invite

Jackie Arnold
District II Director
Soroptimist International of Vallejo
18 Year Member
Social Cocktail Hour Invite

Colleen Ganaye
District III Director
Soroptimist International of Sonoma Valley
42 Year Member
Business Meeting Invite

Vicki Baldwin
District IV Director
Soroptimist International of Crescent City
8 Year Member
100 Year Celebration Invite

Kristal Koga
District V Director
Soroptimist International of The Marianas
24 Year Member
Memorial Service Invite
Fellowship Board
President - Cheryl Poncini
Treasurer - Teresa Karlson
District I Fellowship Director - Billie Knight
District II Fellowship Director - Dana Holve
District III Fellowship Director - Fawn Williams
District IV Fellowship Director - Crystal Arbuthnot
District V Fellowship Director - Denise Ridge
Fellowship's 2021 Silent Auction Fundraiser:
Deanna's Pins is now underway.
New items have just been added as of 4/24/21.

Click on the arrow to travel back to the 1920's with the board members & to view our videos.

Cheryl Poncini
Fellowship President
Soroptimist International of Oakland-The Founder Club
37 Year Member

Theresa Karlson
Fellowship Treasurer
Soroptimist International of San Ramon Valley
11 Year Member
Billie Knight
District I Fellowship Director
Soroptimist International of East Bay
11 Year Member
Fellow Recognition Invite

Dana Holve
District II Fellowship Director
Soroptimist International of Vacaville Twilight
5 Year Member

Fawn Williams
District III Fellowship Director
Soroptimist International of Clear Lake
17 Year Member
Fellowship Program Invite

Crystal Arbuthnot
District IV Fellowship Director
Soroptimist International of The Redwoods
19 Year Member
Fellowship Fundraiser Invite

Denise Ridge
District V Fellowship Director
Soroptimist International of Waikiki Foundation, Inc.
10 Year Member
Virtual Conference Program